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Sales & Profitability Analysis - Retail Store

The dataset used here is Microsoft Contoso Retail Classic. The data has huge number of transactions and has 20+ tables and 16M+ transactions in fact tables. The Dataset first was downloaded and imported into SQL Server using the SQL backup function. The downloaded table was in normalized form and in Snowflake schema.



Next, ETL was prformed using SQL queries for the major transformations. During the ETL, two fact Sales tables were merged into one big table and a single primary key SalesKey was added. Columns which were not relevant for the analysis were removed and truncated such that a consistent fact table can be obtained.



Later the model was passed through Power Query for further transformations where redundant tables & columns were removed. Here, Product Category & Product Subcategoty tables were denormalised by merging them through a common column. The data was next imported in Power BI where Data modeling took place and model was converted to a Star Schemas and various Fact & Dimension were joined forming One-to-Many relationships. Finally, after adding the required DAX measures and Visuals, the analysis was performed.


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Highlight Features
  1. Product wise Drill Down: Option to drill down through revenue for a particular product resulting in a very detailed analysis.

  2. Sales Channel wise Drill Down: Option to drill down through revenue for a particular sales channel resulting in a very detailed analysis.

  3. Product Price adjustments with live changes in Gross margin & Revenue per Transaction

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The result of the analysis have been shown in five sheets:

  1. Overall Sales Overview

  2. Product Analysis

  3. Sales Channel Analysis

  4. Quarter-to-Date (QTD) Sales Analysis

  5. Year-to-Date (YTD) Sales Analysis

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